The brothels in India are overflowing with women and children trapped in untenable situations.
Many are sold into work by a brother, aunt, or even a parent. When they first arrive, they
are beaten and raped as prisoners. Once broken, they have more freedom but live in fear.
Each precious soul is caught in a seemingly unending hell. Many young girls cut their
arms, and scars on some of these young girls show cuts on their necks where they have tried to commit suicide. Children are born in brothels and live in the squalor of dirt and broken lives. Some are fortunate and escape; some are destined to be abused one day or even become a pimp.
Vision For Women cares deeply about the life of every ONE girl, ONE woman, and ONE child. In one Red-Light District, the Gospel is being shared, Bibles are provided, sewing classes thrive, and women and children are being helped out of the brothels to safety and a new life. We are supporting the work of this vibrant ministry's work and the safe home in another country where many of these girls are housed. We pray that one day, we shall be able to support a new safehouse in Mumbai - a light of Christ shining amid the darkness.